Heartfelt Technologies



Heartfelt Technologies is a medical device manufacturer focused on solving the problem of patient compliance in the monitoring of heart failure patients. The non intrusive technology developed at Heartfelt Technologies helps patients live their normal lives while the innovative technology automatically registers the signs of heart failure de-compensation and alerts for carers. The device is approved in EU and US.


What we offer

Heartfelt Technologies has created a passive, remote monitoring device for heart failure patients. The device can predict a heart failure hospitalisation on average 13 days before it happens, giving medical teams time to intervene to avoid the hospitalisation. This device can reduce costs of hospitalisations that can be avoided by preventing the symptoms.


What we look for

The company is seeking to meet leaders and decision makers in the healthcare ecosystem in Florida - hospitals and primary care centres. Their main focus is remote patients monitoring and collaboration with clinical partners, with a secondary focus on operating a business out of Florida/US. They are looking to sell via Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) companies and explore the viability of direct sales through hospital/primary care procurement process.

Company Info

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Heartfelt Technologies
