The Orlando Economic Partnership was created with a mission in mind; to advance Broad-based Prosperity® in the Orlando region. More than any time since the advent of the tourism industry and the space race, has our region seen momentum growing from an economic perspective.rnrnOur region has led the nation in job creation for four years in a row prior to the pandemic. We’ve seen the expansion of our strongest industries along with the emergence of a business services and technology sector.
Few other regions in the U.S. can say that they’re home to the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the Nation. Orlando can. This year the Orlando Economic Partnership (OEP) was named the top chamber in the country by the Association for Chamber of Commerce Executives. This national distinction recognizes the OEP’s critical role as a convener and catalyst to advance the benefits of our region’s growth to everyone who lives, works, learns, and plays in Central Florida.