Single Category
  • FABRX offers pharmaceutical 3D printers, bespoke software, and formulation development services for personalized medicine, automated compounding, and clinical trial batch manufacturing.
Dynamic Metrics
  • Dynamic Metrics sets the reference standard for assessing physical movement so that motion can join blood chemistry, BP, BMI and cholesterol levels as part of the standard health baseline.
Digica Solutions
  • Digica specializes in developing AI software solutions, ranging from innovative, well-funded startups, primarily in the medical field, to traditional defense and manufacturing companies.
Definition Health
  • Definition Health is a pioneering digital health company transforming hospital-based healthcare, the company has developed the first UK end-to-end digital journey for surgical patients.
DDC Dolphin
  • Founded on the principle of protecting the vulnerable and frontline clinicians from infectious disease risks, DDC is a leader in innovative solutions designed for safety and efficiency.
CIGA Healthcare
  • CIGA supplies a wide range of over-the-counter and professional tests to independent pharmacies, pharmacy wholesalers, and healthcare retailers.
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